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Sisters in Loss: Miscarriage, Infant Loss, and Infertility Stories

Nov 20, 2024

Can you imagine having a doula and midwife, but still experience a stillbirth?

Today’s guest had that experience. She was healthy, ate right, worked out consistently, and even worked with a midwife and doula at a birthing center throughout her pregnancy. At 36 weeks after a babymoon life changed for Tierra Hucke. She went to the hospital because she didn’t feel the baby move and was told the baby did not have a heartbeat.

In this episode she shares her journey through grief, getting pregnant 2 months after loss, and delivery of her rainbow baby 11 months after she lost her son Jameson. This episode is for you to listen to if you have experienced a stillbirth, and want to know what pregnancy after stillbirth journey is like.

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