Aug 28, 2024
Pregnancy and Infant Loss is not only a United States concern, but it’s worldwide. Today’s guest is from the continent (yes that continent that many think is a country) Africa. She experienced a stillbirth at 32 weeks in her home country of Zimbabwe.
In this episode, Chiedza Makwara shares how pregnancy loss...
Aug 21, 2024
Have you heard of male factor infertility?
Male Factor infertility can be caused due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices, and other factors that lead to infertility.
Today’s guest shares her...
Aug 14, 2024
What does an IVF Pregnancy journey look like after losing your fallopian tubes?
Today's guest experienced two ectopic pregnancies that resulted in blood loss but also for her to lose her fallopian tubes. Britne Taylor lost her fallopian tubes in her first year of marriage and saving for IVF seemed impossible as her job...
Aug 8, 2024
Have you heard of the term cervical insufficiency? Cervical insufficiency is the inability of the cervix to retain the fetus, in the absence of uterine contractions or labor (painless cervical dilatation), owing to a functional or structural defect. It is cervical ripening that occurs far from the term.
Today's guest...